Black Techie

From EUTC Wiki
A Black Techie Ceremony

A tech initiation drink and tastes nicer than you might think.


  1. Pint 80/-
  2. Short Vodka & Coke, no ice or lemon


  1. Drink from pint of 80/- down to just below the bulge in the glass
  2. Add Vodka & Coke
  3. Techie tool*, in order of tech superiority, stir drink
  4. Last to stir must suck the residue from the tool.
  5. Grandfather Tech (generic phrase for either techies with or without bumps) then recites an appropriate blessing
  6. All technicians must then down three fingers.
  7. Drinking continues until finished.
  8. Redo from 1.


*The tool of choice is the Maglite for a number of reasons

  • your maglite will taste nice for the next couple of days.
  • It also proves that maglites work underwater
  • Gives a pleasing lighting effect (Especially as you will be drunk before you try this).

See also: The D.B.O., Tequila Club