Theatre Evacuation Procedure
Fire Procedure Important notes In event of a fire NEVER try to tackle the fire if it will endanger you or anyone else. DO NOT re-enter the building until it is safe. You must tell the Theatre Manager if there is a fire, no matter how small.
Duty Manager
• Notify the tech box and staff that you intend to stop the performance
• Enter the auditorium and announce in a clear and calm voice something along the lines of ‘Ladies and Gentleman, due to a technical difficulty we are interrupting this performance. Please make your way out of the exits as indicated by my staff and assemble outside the building’.
• Choose which exits are to be used, this will depend on the situation. These exits are back stage, stage left and through the main doors.
• Make sure the doors to the auditorium are open.
• Remain in the auditorium until everyone has been evacuated. Check the rest of the building if it is safe to do so.
• If there is a fire blocking any of the escape routes, position a member of staff to prevent members of the public endangering themselves.
• You should always be aware of how many members of the public are in the auditorium by checking the number of ticket stubs.
• Once everyone is assembled outside do a headcount of members of the public and staff members. The Stage Manager and Tech Manager should be counting cast and crew. Check that they have everyone.
• Report to the fire brigade giving them as much information as you can and tell them if you think anyone is left in the building.
Committee Rep
• Make sure the Box Office has called the Fire Brigade
• If there is a disabled person in the building please be aware of how you will evacuate them in an emergency and be responsible for their safety.
• Call the Theatre Manager and the President to let them know what is going on.
• Proceed to the evacuation point and assist the other members of staff.
Box Office • Dial 999 and ask for the Fire Brigade • Tell them the nature of the fire if possible • Tell them our address – 11b Bristo Place • Hook back the toilet corridor and café doors • Check the toilets for any members of the public and direct people out the building through the toilet corridor. • Assemble outside the building and report to the Duty Manager
• Turn off all the equipment in the café. Leave the lights on.
• Direct members of the public through the café and out of the main doors.
• Once the café is empty assemble outside the building and report to the Duty Manager.
Indoor Halkeeper • Open the auditorium fire exit and direct people outside unless the Duty Manager directs you otherwise. • Once everyone is evacuated assemble outside the building and report to the Duty Manager.
Outdoor Hallkeeper • Open the door from the café to the auditorium, and the disabled access corridor door. • Stay in the auditorium and direct people out into the café. • Once everyone is evacuated assemble outside the building and report to the Duty Manager.
Stage Manager
• Ensure that the cast and backstage crew are aware of the situation.
• Evacuate them using the nearest safe exit
• Assemble outside the building and check everyone is accounted for.
• Report to the Duty Manager and inform them if anyone is missing.
Tech Manager • Ensure that the crew and others on the balconies are aware of the situation. • Evacuate the balconies using the nearest safe exit. • Assemble outside the building and check everyone is accounted for. • Report to the Duty Manager and inform them if anyone is missing.