Improverts Game List
10 Second Fringe Show
2 Genre - A scene is played then repeated twice in the form of 2 different (audience suggested) genre
2-person commentator
Alien Interview
Alphabet - A two person scene where each sentence has to start with the next letter in the alphabet from the previous sentence
American Musical
Chain Murder
Clap Switch-a-roo Three players create a scene, they swap the characters they are playing when a fourth player claps.
Customs Officer Endowment
Development Hell
Do Ron Ron
DVD Player
Emotional Rollercoaster The Audience contribute a list of emotions collected by the host. s/he then calls these at random into a scene created by two or more players forcing them into these emotional states.
Entrances & Exits
Evening Call
Freeze - Two people perform a 2 person scene, anyone can shout freeze, the two people performing stop, the person that shouted freeze tapes one of the performers and takes there place before continuing a completely different 2 person scene. Game Show
Half Life - The players will perform a 1minut scene, then perform it again in 30s, repeat in 15s, 7s, 3s, and then the whole 1 minute scene in 1s
In a, with a, while...
It Just Gets Worse
James Bond Endowment
MacGuyver - Based on the show famed for disarming a nuclear missile with a paperclip in the pilot episode, this game sees two players solve a world shattering crises using two everyday household objects.
Mouse Thieves
Panel of Experts
Personal Director
Pope in a Crisis
Regular Dubbing
Scene with a Corpse
Scene with a...
Should have said - The game that puts the audience in charge, if some thing is said they dont like (or just to **** with their minds) they shout "SHOULD HAVE SAID" and the players have to change it
Slides Interview
Space Jump
Spin Doctor
Stunt Doubles
Superhero Endowment
Tech Rollercoaster
Translation Opera
Type Writer
Voice from Above
Warning Team
Word-at-a-time Interview