Improverts Game List
10 Second Fringe Show
2 Genre - A scene is played then repeated twice in the form of 2 different (audience suggested) genre
2-person commentator
Alien Interview
Alphabet - A two person scene where each sentence has to start with the next letter in the alphabet from the previous sentence
American Musical
Chain Murder
Clap Switch-a-roo
Customs Officer Endowment
Development Hell
DVD Player
Emotional Rollercoaster
Entrances & Exits
Evening Call
Freeze - Two people perform a 2 person scene, anyone can shout freeze, the two people performing stop, the person that shouted freeze tapes one of the performers and takes there place before continuing a completely different 2 person scene. Game Show
Half Life - The players will perform a 1minut scene, then perform it again in 30s, repeat in 15s, 7s, 3s, and then the whole 1 minute scene in 1s
In a, with a, while...
It Just Gets Worse
James Bond Endowment
MacGuyver - Based on the show famed for disarming a nuclear missile with a paperclip in the pilot episode, this game sees two players solve a world shattering crises using two everyday household objects. Mouse Thieves
Panel of Experts
Personal Director
Pope in a Crisis
Regular Dubbing
Scene with a Corpse
Scene with a...
Should have said
Slides Interview
Space Jump
Spin Doctor
Stunt Doubles
Superhero Endowment
Tech Rollercoaster
Translation Opera
Type Writer
Voice from Above
Warning Team
Word-at-a-time Interview